Thursday, December 29, 2011

Chracters and other writing complications

So, today I woke up with the profound thought of actually accomplishing some writing. I know it has been a few days since I have posted. Forgive me I was traveling for the holiday. Now that I am back safe in my humble abode I can concentrate on something important to me, the written word. Why do people write? Aside from the abounding feeling to share a bit of themselves with the world, it is a need. Some are born with it, others fake it and for most it is an unconscionable, uninhibited necessity to get the words running through our veins from blood to paper. To a writer it is essential like breathing or nourishment. Explanation is difficult it is as if something burns deep within us, like a fire.

It is hard to say what fuels this fire within. There are definite things that make it grow. For each writer the spark is different for me it is music and reading the words of a fellow writer. I have never been a structured writer. Attempt to structure or speak about the forbidden word outline and you may as well have put me in a lecture on mechanical engineering. I regret to inform you that writing to me is such an organic process. There is a formula and many a writer can work that way. I am just not that type of writer. Thus, the block or giant brick wall that has smacked me directly in the face. There is nothing worse than a feeling of utter despair when writing. That feeling that no matter what I write it is just not working. My characters end up having writers block that is how acute this situation has become.

I think my problem is this; when I was in college I had my play read in a playwright series. The feedback from that was what makes this marketable to a theatre for production. The question arose why would a theatre pay to do your play instead of say a classic period piece like An Ideal Husband. Though I find this to be important; I find it more important to understand and follow through with character and story development. If these elements aren't working you might as well kiss any opportunity of your writing being looked at away. I wrote after this incident but not successfully and not very well. Needless to say, my writing has been clogged with lets make this completely different than anything anyone else has ever seen. While my ideas are valid, usable, and interesting; getting from point A to B has just been like pulling teeth. Complicated is good when done properly. When you are 35 pages into writing your book and realize that somehow the new idea has just run away from you it's painful. The most I can do at this point is begin again reading over the first three chapters and attempt to salvage something from the hours spent toiling over what in my opinion is the literary equivalent to a B movie.

The positive thing is that this blog seems to be doing its job. It's beginning to unclog something. What that is I have yet to figure out. It is all a process. The want to write it back and the story is starting to move around again. So hopefully soon something will begin to produce.

Until tomorrow...Tonight is Taco Night! 

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