Wednesday, December 21, 2011


Hello and Welcome to Wife, Cook, Writer and Menagerie Wrangler. This blog is for the writer, the wife, the home cook and for anyone who has dogs, cats, fish, or backyard wildlife. Let me introduce myself. My name is Megan. I am a research assistant during the day and for as long as I live I am a wife, writer, cook, cat's staff, dog wrangler and I'm hoping to add mother to that list in the future.

My husband Len and I live on a very nice corner lot off an inlet of the Chesapeake bay in Virginia. Both of us being from the North, namely the Jersey area, moving here was a little bit of a culture shock. Things are a bit more laid back here and the terrain is far less mountainous but we are loving every minute of our life here.  

The best part is probably playing host to all matter of wildlife, fish, cranes, ducks, frogs, turtles, you name it it has probably been in our backyard at some point. These animals only add to our menagerie of domesticated animals we have collected over the years. Our oldest: Sophie, or as my husband has affectionately named her Her Grace the Dutchess McSophervonnoodleface aka bat cat the destructor we call her face for short she's a tabby cat with an attitude the size of Antarctica. After the Face, comes Daphne a three year old Chocolate Lab who is more concerned with singing to the squirrels in our yard than actually doing important things like eating; the only things which distracts her from this passion is my husband whom she enjoys staring at for completely no reason and Brisco our 19 month old terror of a yellow lab who also enjoys staring at us. More on the menagerie later.  

Now, for the important part: I started this blog for two reasons first, in the hopes that people could share their love of dogs, cooking, and life in general. I wanted to create a community for people to enjoy each other and the hobbies and life experiences that we all have. Second, this is a purely selfish reason, I have had the most annoying case of writers block I have ever had. I thought perhaps this would jog something and quite frankly, so far, this is the most I have written in quite a while.

So welcome, not that I actually think people will ever read this but if someone does I hope you will share whatever you like; be it writing, recipes, or life experiences. I will try my best to post daily and all of my posts will include a what's for dinner tonight section.

On Tonights Menu: Lentil soup with Ham and spinach. A new recipe to try and get rid of the overwhelming amount of leftover ham from our pre-christmas Christmas dinner.


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