Thursday, January 5, 2012

Whole Wheat Pasta...It's just wrong!

Whole wheat pasta is officially an imposter and a shady one at that. It looks like its going to taste good. But, in the end you wish you never opened the box. It's like your credit card company. All good intentions of lending you that temporary money that you need to buy that shiny new electronic, then it just pulls the rug out from under you when the bill arrives.Whole wheat pasta it's just wrong. It comes off all noble and stuff like that Aunt that you think you can trust but everything you tell her ends up getting you in trouble with your mom. Quite frankly, the only thing that makes it remotely pasta-like is its shape. It tastes nothing like pasta and its texture is most definitely not pasta like. And let me tell you, there is not enough grana padano cheese in the world to cover up whatever that aftertaste is that is left on your pallet. I would rather eat less pasta or never eat pasta again than subject my taste buds to that. The leftovers are now sitting in my fridge because I just feel guilty throwing it out. I keep looking at it thinking maybe if I try it again it will taste better, but let me tell you Whole Wheat non pasta like charlatan I'm onto you. I have 1 more box and let me tell you that is headed straight for my local food bank along with the mistake I made during the hurricane of buying Dinty More Stew...please enjoy.
Now, on to happier things, like dinner tonight. French onion soup, the champion of soups, and the only thing French that my husband will admit to liking. Actually it's his favorite. If it turns out good I'll post the recipe tomorrow. Until then onward to French Onion Soup night!

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Happy National Spaghetti Day!!!

Well you guessed it tonight is spaghetti night in our household. We have opted for the less calorie offensive whole wheat pasta which I am looking forward to trying. Haven't had the brand I bought yet. I'm not quite sure what will be going with the pasta, I'm thinking peas, mushrooms and a sour cream sauce. I think this will be delicious perhaps a bit of nutmeg added for that wintery taste. So far aside from our lack of internet at our home this year has been going swimmingly. I am very peeved at the cable internet company and for the record telling me to go on the internet to fix my problem simply doesn't work if I have no internet access.
It has finally turned colder in Virginia and though I was not happy about this a few minutes ago I have now come to the conclusion that I am happy the cold has finally found the south. I was not happy because I had a cold that was killing me in the ninth round here but I took something and for the moment have found myself in the agreeable stage of life again.
For Christmas I received alot of kitchen appliances and have been testing them over the time that I haven't been blogging. Yes I know, I should be doing this everyday but sometimes the Television just gets the better of me. I began my kitchen appliance venture with a mini pie maker. In the form of a chicken pot pie dinner. My husbands favorite. They came out really good and were delicious. I am going to try mini blueberry pies soon.
Up next for our bowl game a grand PSU disappointment, sigh, we ventured into the day of the panini. Delicious! Next time need some greens and stronger dressing but I was not disappointed and they make a really quick weeknight dinner.
Still have a cookie maker and juicer to try. I'm a bit apprehensive about the cookie maker. For some reason it just makes me nervous. Like my grandmother is going to come ask me why I am making her chocolate chip cookie recipe in something that looks like a mini george foreman grill. Grandma don't ask questions, I'm just trying it out, just like the silpat which was a great success. I will be trying the juicer next week in an attempt to get my husband to eat healthier. I will do this in a manner of, "hey do you want a drink?" (this will of course be while he is immersed in a video game and he will surely say yes please) This will be the moment that I hand him a large glass of carrot beet juice and he will unknowingly drink it without even looking....I hope!
We wives have to get healthy done you know any way that we possibly can and if it just happens that we have a window of opportunity while our husbands are playing a game I'll take it.
Happy National Spaghetti Day if I only knew you existed earlier I would have made pasta from scratch. Enjoy spaghetti anyway you like it today or any day, but especially today because its spaghetti day.